V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'str = L""' with 'str.Empty()'. afxdatarecovery.cpp 199 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'str = L""' with 'str.Empty()'. afxdatarecovery.cpp 239 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'str = L""' with 'str.Empty()'. afxdatarecovery.cpp 319 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'str = L""' with 'str.Empty()'. afxdatarecovery.cpp 337 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strCommandDescription = L""' with 'm_strCommandDescription.Empty()'. afxmousepropertypage.cpp 29 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strDescription = L""' with 'm_strDescription.Empty()'. afxribbonkeyboardcustomizedialog.cpp 34 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strAssignedTo = L""' with 'm_strAssignedTo.Empty()'. afxribbonkeyboardcustomizedialog.cpp 35 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'data.m_strAccDefAction = L""' with 'data.m_strAccDefAction.Empty()'. afxribbonpanel.cpp 203 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strButtonText = L""' with 'm_strButtonText.Empty()'. afxtoolbarbuttoncustomizedialog.cpp 65 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strButtonDescr = L""' with 'm_strButtonDescr.Empty()'. afxtoolbarbuttoncustomizedialog.cpp 66 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strToolbarName = L""' with 'm_strToolbarName.Empty()'. afxtoolbarnamedialog.cpp 25 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strDescription = L""' with 'm_strDescription.Empty()'. afxtoolbarskeyboardpropertypage.cpp 35 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strAssignedTo = L""' with 'm_strAssignedTo.Empty()'. afxtoolbarskeyboardpropertypage.cpp 36 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strButtonDescription = L""' with 'm_strButtonDescription.Empty()'. afxtoolbarslistpropertypage.cpp 38 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strButtonDescription = L""' with 'm_strButtonDescription.Empty()'. afxtoolbarslistpropertypage.cpp 164 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strMenuDescr = L""' with 'm_strMenuDescr.Empty()'. afxtoolbarsmenupropertypage.cpp 38 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strContextMenuName = L""' with 'm_strContextMenuName.Empty()'. afxtoolbarsmenupropertypage.cpp 39 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strMenuName = L""' with 'm_strMenuName.Empty()'. afxtoolbarsmenupropertypage.cpp 40 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strMenuDescr = L""' with 'm_strMenuDescr.Empty()'. afxtoolbarsmenupropertypage.cpp 280 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strCommand = L""' with 'm_strCommand.Empty()'. afxtoolbarstoolspropertypage.cpp 35 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strArguments = L""' with 'm_strArguments.Empty()'. afxtoolbarstoolspropertypage.cpp 36 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strInitialDirectory = L""' with 'm_strInitialDirectory.Empty()'. afxtoolbarstoolspropertypage.cpp 37 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'rString = L""' with 'rString.Empty()'. arccore.cpp 759 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'rString = L""' with 'rString.Empty()'. filetxt.cpp 267 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'rString = L""' with 'rString.Empty()'. inet.cpp 1293 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm_strMoniker = L""' with 'm_strMoniker.Empty()'. olelink.cpp 149 V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'rString = L""' with 'rString.Empty()'. wincore.cpp 1191