V808 'rectButton' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxcolorbar.cpp 1294 V808 'rectLast' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxdockablepane.cpp 815 V808 'rectIntersect' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxdockingpanesrow.cpp 953 V808 'rectIntersect' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxdockingpanesrow.cpp 2045 V808 'rectSave' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxdockingmanager.cpp 1650 V808 'lstBars' object of 'CObList' type was created but was not utilized. afxdockingmanager.cpp 1961 V808 'ptDelta' object of 'CPoint' type was created but was not utilized. afxdocksite.cpp 187 V808 'rectBounds' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxframewndex.cpp 859 V808 'border' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxframewndex.cpp 868 V808 'request' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxframewndex.cpp 868 V808 'rectBounds' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxmdiframewndex.cpp 1095 V808 'border' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxmdiframewndex.cpp 1115 V808 'request' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxmdiframewndex.cpp 1115 V808 'rectRedraw' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxoutlookbartabctrl.cpp 742 V808 'rectBtn' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxoutlookbartabctrl.cpp 1146 V808 'ptDelta' object of 'CPoint' type was created but was not utilized. afxpane.cpp 1027 V808 'size' object of 'CSize' type was created but was not utilized. afxpaneframewnd.cpp 3442 V808 'sizeImageSmall' object of 'CSize' type was created but was not utilized. afxribbonbutton.cpp 452 V808 'strElements' object of 'CStringT' type was created but was not utilized. afxribboninfo.cpp 1003 V808 'rectImages' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxribbonpalettegallery.cpp 769 V808 'size' object of 'CSize' type was created but was not utilized. afxribbonpanel.cpp 1747 V808 'dcScreen' object of 'CClientDC' type was created but was not utilized. afxstatusbar.cpp 1288 V808 'rectToolbarOld' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxtaskspane.cpp 1116 V808 'ptImageOffsetInButton' object of 'CPoint' type was created but was not utilized. afxtoolbarbutton.cpp 335 V808 'rect' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxtoolbarbuttoncustomizedialog.cpp 129 V808 'rect' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxtoolbarcomboboxbutton.cpp 582 V808 'rectParent' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxtoolbarcomboboxbutton.cpp 577 V808 'rect' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxtoolbareditboxbutton.cpp 479 V808 'bitmap' object of 'CBitmap' type was created but was not utilized. afxtoolbarimages.cpp 2210 V808 'rectImage' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxvisualmanager.cpp 2250 V808 'rectMenuArrow' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxvisualmanager.cpp 3201 V808 'penShadow' object of 'CPen' type was created but was not utilized. afxvisualmanageroffice2003.cpp 1365 V808 'rectImage' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxvisualmanageroffice2003.cpp 1938 V808 'rectSeparator' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxvisualmanagerofficexp.cpp 675 V808 'penLight' object of 'CPen' type was created but was not utilized. afxvisualmanagerofficexp.cpp 979 V808 'rectFill' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxvisualmanagerwindows.cpp 132 V808 'rectImage' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxvisualmanagerwindows.cpp 1330 V808 'rect' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. afxvisualmanagerwindows7.cpp 1825 V808 'strGuid' object of 'CStringT' type was created but was not utilized. appcore.cpp 882 V808 'var' object of 'COleVariant' type was created but was not utilized. daocore.cpp 5551 V808 'var' object of 'COleVariant' type was created but was not utilized. dlgdhtml.cpp 1168 V808 'var' object of 'COleVariant' type was created but was not utilized. dlgdhtml.cpp 1214 V808 'rgn' object of 'CRgn' type was created but was not utilized. occsite.cpp 1946 V808 'fe' object of 'CFileException' type was created but was not utilized. oledocvw.cpp 387 V808 'fe' object of 'CFileException' type was created but was not utilized. oledocvw.cpp 420 V808 'strValue' object of 'CStringT' type was created but was not utilized. olereg.cpp 426 V808 'bitmapSize' object of 'CSize' type was created but was not utilized. winbtn.cpp 63 V808 'border' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. winfrm.cpp 2191 V808 'request' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. winfrm.cpp 2191 V808 'rect' object of 'CRect' type was created but was not utilized. winsplit.cpp 1752