V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'Tokenizer' type. mcs-net_4_x cs-parser.cs 15623 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'WindowsIdentity' type. corlib-net_4_x WindowsPrincipal.cs 160 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'ConfigurationElement' type. System.Configuration-net_4_x ConfigurationElementCollection.cs 399 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'ConfigurationElement' type. System.Configuration-net_4_x ConfigurationElementCollection.cs 415 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'ConfigurationElement' type. System.Configuration-net_4_x ConfigurationElementCollection.cs 566 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'nsIDOMDocument' type. Mono.WebBrowser-net_4_x Document.cs 40 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'INode' type. Mono.WebBrowser-net_4_x NamedNodeMap.cs 76 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'INode' type. Mono.WebBrowser-net_4_x NodeList.cs 222 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'INode' type. Mono.WebBrowser-net_4_x NodeList.cs 249 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'IWindow' type. Mono.WebBrowser-net_4_x WindowCollection.cs 207 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'IWindow' type. Mono.WebBrowser-net_4_x WindowCollection.cs 234 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'DataGridViewRow' type. System.Windows.Forms-net_4_x DataGridViewRowCollection.cs 99 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'DataGridViewRow' type. System.Windows.Forms-net_4_x DataGridViewRowCollection.cs 201 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'GridEntry' type. System.Windows.Forms-net_4_x PropertyGridView.cs 742 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'GridEntry' type. System.Windows.Forms-net_4_x PropertyGridView.cs 758 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'GridEntry' type. System.Windows.Forms-net_4_x PropertyGridView.cs 799 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'String' type. System.Web-net_4_x HtmlControl.cs 144 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'String' type. System.Web-net_4_x TemplateParser.cs 892V3051 An excessive type check. The object is already of the 'AspComponentFoundry' type. System.Web-net_4_x RootBuilder.cs 147 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'String' type. System.Web-net_4_x TemplateParser.cs 989 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'PagesSection' type. System.Web-net_4_x TemplateParser.cs 1281 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'CodeDomSerializer' type. System.Design-plaindesign-net_4_x RootCodeDomSerializer.cs 205 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'PropertyDescriptor' type. System.Design-plaindesign-net_4_x ControlDesigner.cs 783 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'PropertyDescriptor' type. System.Design-plaindesign-net_4_x ControlDesigner.cs 795 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'HttpWebRequest' type. System.ServiceModel-net_4_x HttpRequestChannel.cs 93 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'ListViewItem' type. System.Web.Extensions-net_4_x ListView.cs 1531 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'IntervalEnvironmentBase' type. Mono.CodeContracts-net_4_x DisIntervalAssumer.cs 64 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'TypeDefinition' type. mono-cil-strip-net_4_x ReflectionWriter.cs 473 V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'ConfigurationSection' type. Mono.Configuration.Crypto-net_4_x ConfigSection.cs 59